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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Snipe quest

I don't know if this is news or not. But I went into paradox green and found a snipe. He had a quest to safely bring him back to Snipe HQ. He said that he found information from the ace about master lox that could help the FARSE. Here are pics.

They just give you coins as a reward. And I will get a pic of my funkeys later. You can see I'm playing as tadd when I found the snipe.
-keep it funkey


Anonymous said...

I did snipes quest as Well. Pretty easy except for portals. He starts to leave before you can exit the portal. THAT PART IS CRUEL. Lol!!!

Jairo said...

whats puttTTT? im also guessing that you cant install toads tool? and...snipe rocks