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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New purple henchmen and silver fallout on ebay

I was looking back at the seller "hitmantoys" on ebay, because ya know he sells the unreleased funkeys and I was just curious to see anything new. I was surprised to see a purple henchmen and a (probably painted) silver fallout. Well here they are.

I know its been some time since I've posted, but there hasn't been anything to post about. :T

BTW I saw the seller with a very shiney bones (I've noticed in some toy show pics that the prototypes are shiney) and the fallout was shiney too. Hmm... maybe it was supposed to be one of the rareties. Ehh who knows. Anyway.......

-keep it funkey

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Webley Outpost

At long last my brother has finished the webley hut that he's been working on little by little for about a month. He actually started this before the Dr.Tinker goggles. This will most likely be the last project that he makes, unless he gets bored and whips up something real fast. But other than that this is where it ends. Anyway time for the pics! :D

As you can see, the roof comes off, which is pretty neat. But the thing thats really cool is that my brother installed the shop door to open and close, as you can see in the pics. We couldn't fit the actuall game portal, but the shop is good enough for me. :P
-keep it funkey

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I noticed that the funkeys of thug, E.P. Royalton, speed racer, (pinball) and taejo showed up on ebay again. Taejo came down I think yesterday or the day before. I thought that 2 taejos was weird, but having the 3 others show up makes me think if the seller really has them again or if they actually sold them. Whatever it is, I might aswell try to win them again. Thats it, I just wanted to throw that out there. :P What do you think?

-keep it funkey

Thursday, September 17, 2009

UB Funkeys Skateboard! :D

Well I was looking for pics of bones on google and found this skateboard. I don't know if Its a tech deck board or real.

Yeah long link I know. The site isn't American, so you probably wont understand it. But if you want go ahead and be my guest, buy a skateboard. I'll show other boards if I find any.
-keep it funkey

Friday, September 11, 2009

Unexpected funkeys shown up on ebay

Well there isn't much to explain....just look. Oh and don't think "OMG now these are out in stores!?" I know that this person some how has connections with Radica (most likely) and got them that way. The only strange thing about this is that in Taejo's name it says pre-release. Does this mean that if they do have connections, they could be released sometime in the near future? I don't think so. Anyway here ya go.

This trixie just has weird tan ears.

I give all thanks to neos for informing me (everyone) on his blog about these great finds. :D My only problem with these is that they are scratched and beat up. They could make a ton more money if these were in better condition.

-keep it funkey

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dr. Tinker Goggles!

Well my brother has done it again. He made yet another funkey accessory! This time Dr. Tinker goggles. Anyway here are the pics.

This was more of a miny project because my brother did this out of scrap cardboard. I'll show a pic of me wearing them later, I just wanted to show what pics I have right now. It was done fast so the paint on them is a little sloppy. But from far away you can't tell! :P
-keep it funkey

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All the wendys toys!

Well I bought the rest of the wendys toys off of ebay 2 days ago and they already came! So of course I went exploring on the 2 disks. They are very similar, as Zommix said on his blog I wasn't going to take any pictures because Zoomix made a big post on all the toys, but I did find something unique when I downloaded the ub funkeys demo. It looks just like the game (not like the demo on The only differences are that there is no paradox green portal, no hidden realm ship, no royalton racing complex, no angus lab, and no quest funkeys. And also your user name is U.B. Funkeys. Anyway my pics are showing that when you walk onto a portal as UB it tells you a little bit about the place. They're special cut sences. :)

After I got out of the demo, it showed some cool pictures. It turns out Terrapinia is a planet! This also shows what the paradox green starter kit looks like. I was right, it comes with bones. UGH....
By the way, I took the paradox green personality test. It turns out I'm most like maul. Not what I was hoping for but maul is cool. (I was hoping for tadd of course.) Anyway that's all for the wendys toys.
-keep it funkey

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mulch! :D

I went to Kmart today, and judging by the title of the post you can tell what I got! I got mulch! YAY! Too bad ace wasn't there, I really would've prefered to get ace. But oh well.
I'm a little disapointed with making the games. I don't like having to work for the trophy. XD After making my first game I got bored. Even after I played like 3 other people's games I got bored. :T I'm a little tired of playing "super mario bros" themed games. Oh well. Atleast the turbine's cool. :D

-keep it funkey

Friday, August 28, 2009

Funkey Spoofs #1

Me and my brother were having a dumb conversation about who knows what, and somewhere along the line I mentioned Darth Maul from star wars. So my brother decided to make a joke, and made a funkey spoof! He took a common maul's head and placed it on Darth Maul's body. Here it is.......Darth Maul!
After he made this, I decided that we'd make more. So this is just the first we made so far and we'll try to come up with more in the future.
-keep it funkey

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The mysterious Speed Racer shadow solved!

Well I have been hearing of people being attacked by a mysterious shadow in the Royalton Racing Complex. So about a week ago me and my brother went investigating. After standing around, it didn't take too long for the shadow to appear for us. When it showed up, the creepy music began playing, just like when a henchmen appears. When it hit us we had to play the race car dodging game.
What we think it is is Thug. If you remember reading the story after I licked the bottom of my yang. It says that thug collects racing fees in the Complex. Like how a native collects coins to sacrifice to the volcano or a henchmen collects a travel tax. So that makes it sound like Thug attacks you in the Complex and steals coins. For a long time I thought that the race cars were the things that stole coins. And thats probably the thing that does now. Remember that Mattel's contract got ruined some how, and didn't allow them to release the rest of the speed racers along with the adventure pack. So thug's game graphic was never made. But they couldn't take away the idea to have thug strike. So the race cars just had to do. What do you think? Do you think I cracked this mystery?

-keep it funkey

Monday, August 24, 2009

Another new funkey!

After long last my rare berger FINALLY came in the mail! I'm so happy! And I know I don't really need a picture, but I took one anyways.

I think a new funkey family photo is in order. What do you think?

-keep it funkey

Friday, August 21, 2009

Maul Cushion

Well this is my brother's new finished funkey toy, a maul pillow! He actually made this a week ago, and made the master lox mask about a month ago. I'm just a very lazy person and don't like to post very much (as you all know by now.) It only took 2 days to make and he says it was pretty fun. Any who its picture time!

Obviously its a pretty big pillow. Its bigger than any human's head, so yeah. Again don't go calling this your own, even with my blog's name on it. I found out yesterday that on the ub funkeys official forums that someone is trying to take credit for finding thug and for having the t-shirts. Not cool, definitely not cool. (GIG found thug first and it even says vlurp111 as the user so we know that the person is a big fake.) Thats about it for the cushion.....
-keep it funkey

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some wendys toys......what a bummer

Well my dad called wendys today and they said that they got the funkeys in! YAY! So of course we went there for lunch today. My dad asked for 5 kids meals with ALL DIFFERENT toys inside. We made sure that he understood. So when we get our kids meals we look inside to find 3 bobble heads and 2 3D board games. WTH! And it turns out that those were the only funkey toys they had. So we got an extra kids meal for nothing. Sadly the board game is so common everyone knows about it and the bobble head isn't too new either. Atleast we kept 4 of the kids meals bags and we have extra toys. Maybe they'll be worth something when they're not at wendys anymore. :T Oh well, such a bummer though. Here are pictures:

I think that I took some decent pics and a lot of them! Oh I would like everyone (if you haven't already) to look at my prvious post and look in aww! Thank you.
-keep it funkey

Lox LIVES!!!

Ok I'll start by saying that Master Lox doesn't actually exist. My brother just created a master lox costume. Well just the mask part anyway.....He put the mask on over his grim reaper costume from 2 Halloweens ago. He made the mask entirely out of cardboard, super glue, and spray paint! Oh and yes, master lox doesn't have nostrals, but my brother needed eye holes in the mask. Anyway the moment you've been waiting for......the pictures!

My brother has been getting into making ub funkey crafts starting from the t-shirts, to this costume,'ll have to wait and see. It's in development! :) Oh and before I go, don't call these your own like some people did the t-shirts. I fixed that problem and I trust you guys and gals!

-keep it funkey

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wendys toys on ebay

Look at this. All 5 funkey toys in one. I didn't think they'd go so high in price.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Drift raceway

My brother was walking around funkeystown last night and noticed this.

Do you see whats strange in the picture? The strange thing is that if you notice, drift's home is now called "drift raceway" instead of the name "drift". I guess drift needed a unique game room name too.
BTW I finally fixed up my internet and now I don't get booted out of chat rooms on UBF and meebo chat rooms! Which means I was finally able to get a chat room in my crib's game room. I got holler chat after about 20 minutes. So I then decided to get rom chat in my game room, but I couldn't. I was in there for an hour and a half but nothing happened. Does this happen to anyone else? It got me so frustrated. Anyway thats all for now. 'Till next time....
-keep it funkey

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mulch quiz complete!

I don't know if anyone else has already done this, but a few days ago I completed the mulch quest quiz. :) I thought it was challenging, so I'm posting it. The sad thing is that it's hard to do, but you only get 20 coins as a reward. And you payed a coin to play so you only really win 19 coins. Anyway here is a pic.
Atleast now I know more about recycling and pollution and all that jazz.
-keep it funkey

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My PG funkeys and Blackest Hole/ Tadd Tonic

Well I finally decided to take a pic of my paradox green funkeys. Here they are.

I also got the blackest hole and tadd tonic yesterday.

Its not like these pictures are any news to us. And of course I took down two of the henchmen 2.0.

BTW I don't know if I mentioned this on my blog (I have on a few others) that I got a very rare berger! Here's a pic of that:

Isn't he cute? Anyway that's all for the time being. I hope I get some more exciting news soon. But untill then.....
-keep it funkey

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Snipe quest

I don't know if this is news or not. But I went into paradox green and found a snipe. He had a quest to safely bring him back to Snipe HQ. He said that he found information from the ace about master lox that could help the FARSE. Here are pics.

They just give you coins as a reward. And I will get a pic of my funkeys later. You can see I'm playing as tadd when I found the snipe.
-keep it funkey

3 new funkeys! Woot woot!

I just got back from target and the lady wasn't lying! Paradox Green was there! Of course I got VR nectar, maul, and tadd for myself, but my dad bought 4 others to sell on ebay, just to get our $14 back that we spent on rastro. Now I have all 4! I'll post pics later, I just had to tell everyone! Too bad that they are only in very rare version still, cause I really want rare tadd and rastro. They look so cool!

So Onewa80 we've been in the same boat for a while, not finding anything, so I'm sure you'll find something new at target now. Oh and now that I own a tadd and have my clay croak, my dad is really getting mad at Mattel. I don't know what we'll do to get to the bottom of my very stressful struggle to find out the truth of what happened after I sent in my design of croak. And as for those of you who are starting to hate me for bringing up croak so much, knock it off. I'm sure if you were in my shoes, you'd be in as much agony as me. I won't shut up until I find out. I just hope that there are still some of you that support me out there. Anyway like I said I'll post pics later. Chao!

-keep it funkey

Monday, August 3, 2009

I got rastro!!!

I finally got my funkey! Roco was right though the package is paper thin and small. Here are pics!

The first thing I did was play against pokeboy93. Look at this:

Too bad both times we played master lox infultrated. :(

Oh and as I am writing this post Onewa80 keeps challenging me to play his ace game created games. (If that makes sense) I also got a pic of that.
I'm a nice guy so I gave all 3 games a ranking of 5! Plus they were really fun, so there's another reason.
-keep it funkey