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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tadd!? Paradox funkey names

Obsessed Funkey just made a post saying that Mayor Sayso found the names of the upcoming paradox green funkey names. Mulch was rumored to be Eco, Ace was rumored to be jet, the bee is Nectar, the teddy bear is Maul, the 3 eyed alien is Rastro, and THE FROG IS TADD as in taddpole! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Why couldn't they just call it croak or ribbit?Well there you have it.

A shoutout goes to obsessed funkey for finally giving me the frog's name. Hm..... I guess it could have been a coincidence. Plus they got rid of the lilly pad. I'll shut up and stop whining about it so you don't have to keep hearing me complain on and on.

-keep it funkey


Anonymous said...

What about the third factory funkey?!!? NOBODY EVER TALKS ABOUT HIM?!?! Besides Mulch and Ace the third the one with the dart board head and game controller he's my fave!
-Funk on

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Well I don't know the name of that one. Maybe it won't be released. Who knows.
PS. It's not like noone talks about the 3rd factory funkey (well... maybe not) it is just that Radica doesn't really show it in toy shows. :( And there is no poster for it, so that is another reason.

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

they should call the boombox funkey boom.

Anonymous said...

They should lets just call him boom for now anyhow he may not be released if he isn't I'll cry. He is the only factory funkey I like.
-Funk on

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Well they made a figure and a prototype so I'm sure he'll come out.
Like for bandit they made an animated look but no actuall figure, so that's why bandit may not come out.

Anonymous said...

Who is Croak, anyway?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

So you must be VERY new. Croak is a frog funkey that I invented. Read this post to find out more (put it in the search bar)

Anonymous said...

well atleast we now know it was a cowinceidence!...................................OR WAS IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
they probely just changed it to make it look liker it wernt' yours!

Shel2 said...

Wow, your funkey is nice!