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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Army? What's going on?

Well I keep hearing that carabu and neos123141 are going to try to delete Roco's blog. Well, all I have to say is CALM DOWN. There is no need for an army. First of all they can't hack the blog without his password and email. But if they somehow did, then I'll contact google and have there blogs suspended or even terminated. (You can complain and flag their blogs if you must.) I support everyone but this is out of control. First of all what are they doing this for? So I'm against an army but support the cause and am also against what's happening.

PS. (off topic) I was in a chat room with flagster and he didn't know who I was! I was caught off guard because I've had a blogger account before most of you. So I want to get the name frogboy 96 out there and start following more blogs. (for example flagster's blog)

-keep it funkey


Anonymous said...

First off WORD TRAVELS FAST!!!! Secondly your right, I just want things to go to normal were I was barley involved with neos and carabu and none of this happened. *sigh* Why am I the one there doing this too? Why are they doing it at all?

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

not anymore!

Anonymous said...

Neos... deleted his own blog. He told me he was like 5 seconds ago. I tried stopping him. I feel so guilty. :'*

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Oh.... sorry neos. I didn't do anything yet (I honostly wasn't going to, I just tryed to scare you out of this). If you're not going to do anything I guess I could take down this post. Unless carabu is still on to something.