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Sunday, March 29, 2009

False alarm

Well unfortunately me and my brother looked back at our funkey collection and noticed that we only have 98 different funkeys! Wow, what a disaster.
Geez, I have so much to say and show that I don't know where to begin. I suppose I'll start with that I got the dot familiar and that the funkey of the week is now rom.
Oh and does anyone know when the dc heros is being released or when the update for it will happen. I don't even care if it is just a rumor, I just want to know something.

-keep it funkey (rom)


funk king said...

I put up my video on one of my post's

jairo m. said...

hmmmm........ well the rumor is its coming around the same time as parodox green, wich is in spring, WICH is tomarro,wich it also could be awile till' it comes out, probely the time total drama action comes out in the u.s.(wich is were im located!!!...but i saw the first 3 episodes on and yes, i know it already came out in cannida along time ago. WOW I WROTE ALOT! sorry for taking up some space!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Thank you for a rumor.

casadia said...

hey this is way of topic but can u plz fallow my blog im in a bet with somone and i need as many fallowers as possible hey if u fallow my blog i will fallow yours?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Alright I'll follow if I haven't already.