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Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry I'm late

Phew! I can finally put up this post. I've been so busy. But now is time to announce the actually small event that will be happening every week. It is Funkey Of The Week! Yay! The first funkey of the week is the normal waggs. And with every week I will choose a random funkey off the top of my head or a funkey out of the drawer I keep them in, and if I repeat a funkey I will say/pick another. It will be shown on the side bar, so I don't have to make a post for every week.
Another thing that will happen is that I will put little icons of the funkey on the posts for that week AND along with my quote (keep it funkey) I will also say the name of the funkey, for example -keep it funkey (waggs). Soooooooo that's about it, unless I think of something else.

-keep it funkey (waggs) get it?

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