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Monday, May 4, 2009

... What should I post about? My prediction of ub funkeys future.

Well unfortunately I'm coming to this question: What should I post now?
Ub funkeys is suffering a cruel end and I think I know why. The last update and some minor updates have basicly revolved around angus and the trunk right? So maybe, just maybe because they are now using REAL money to buy loot ((which is kinda weird because isn't loot money in ub funkeys?)) they can't make a new update because it will mess up the trunk. If something else new happens, then the trunk will get screwed up and pushed aside and then maybe not work at all. Could this be an actuall problem that Matell is facing... who knows? Well the old commercial on youtube of hidden realm/ dc heros said that they would came fall 2009. All we do know is that time is taking way longer than expected and the # of fans are decreasing. Matell better think of something fast to hook and reel back in the fans that have already left.

Something tells me though that I'm wrong. Ever since FFM owner of has gotten her proto type taejo and prototype of the new weird head shaped funkey I think that Matell just might make a come back. Who knows, anythings possible. I just hope that Matell pulls a fast one. Maybe we will get some answers from the next installment of Funk-E on owned by augiewan. Speaking of which, he has to put up something new soon right? It's been just about a month.

Well I got out mostly what I wanted to say. Exept I'm getting rid of funkey of the week. The poll says to keep it but It's just too tiring TRUST ME! Oh and another thing, I'm begining to HATE these dumb pandas! I'll put up something at the top where the pandas run around so you can actually READ the posts and I can keep the "oh-so-cute" pandas.

Comment what you think I should start posting about other than funkeys because I'm running out of things to say. That's all for now.

-keep it funkey!


Jairo said...

um.....ya.... thats true, those pandas get in the way of the reading. i get so erataded, any way, ive had nothing to do with funkeys eather, thats why i have been posting these other stuff such as super smash flash and other stuff, but you have a point on the angus thing. isnt funkeys a family game? why use REAL money? you know what stinks to?, i havent bought anything from angus because my family is in a BIG debt in our house and what not!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

dang, stinks for you.

Jairo said...

how come you dont post anymore?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Umm.. I guess I'm just lazy. Here are some up coming posts I'm making: "Sorry 4 the wait", "MY NAME IS FROGBOY 96!", "My hero and villan", and "There might be hope".

Look forward to it! I have a half day of school tomorrow so I will DEFINATELY post.