My Favorite Songs

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Songs! Yay

As you can obviously hear, I got some more songs on my mixpod. But don't worry I'll add more! If you think a different song should be first, just run through the beginings of the songs and tell me what sounds best and comment it. Well unless your someone like me who sometimes as soon goes to a blog, mutes the sound or pauses the song to not hear it! lol Just tell me what you think.

-keep it funkey


Skullamanjaro Lover said...

im so getting that mixpod... frogboy ever since i saw the first time your are good... reasons why:

you dont let anonymous comment.

your like me we are both 13 years old.

man frogboy if i have two tadds, ill give one for you.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Wow, thanx that meant a lot.