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Monday, April 6, 2009

When will it come?

When will the dc heros come? Hmm... maybe they will be released when the trailer said, in the fall. <:( Well I did find a cool picture of wonder woman. Too bad we still only get to see the side of aqua man.

-keep it funkey


Anonymous said...

iis the guy in the oarnge and green robyn p.s. can you follow my blog

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

The orange and green guy is aqua man.
And sure, I'll follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

thanks my dad said it was robyn

jairo m. said...

ya, thats aqua man alright.
my dad is a marvel and dc freak! although this is only dc, they should make a marvle series aswell! just think of a "spider man funkey"! or a "captain america funkey"!!!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

I know, I LOVE Spider Man so I think he should be a funkey.

-keep it funkey

jairo m. said...

hes my dads faverit marvel charicter!
he hates funkeys, but he said he liked the idea of a dc series!

bones111 said...

I wish darth vader was one p.s.can you follow my blog