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Friday, September 11, 2009

Unexpected funkeys shown up on ebay

Well there isn't much to explain....just look. Oh and don't think "OMG now these are out in stores!?" I know that this person some how has connections with Radica (most likely) and got them that way. The only strange thing about this is that in Taejo's name it says pre-release. Does this mean that if they do have connections, they could be released sometime in the near future? I don't think so. Anyway here ya go.

This trixie just has weird tan ears.

I give all thanks to neos for informing me (everyone) on his blog about these great finds. :D My only problem with these is that they are scratched and beat up. They could make a ton more money if these were in better condition.

-keep it funkey


Anonymous said...

Frogboy. I don't really mind conditions. But I don't believe your connection theory as this person has sold Funkeys before and never had a rare funkey like these besides dot. I do in fact believe an Agreement between Speed Racer and Mattel patching the contract. Or the person could have bribed mattel. Either way works.

Anonymous said...

Plus if you notice the names are "PRE SALE ITEM" Meaning they'll be in stores. And Trixie might just have chipped ears. xD

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Yeah Pre-sale is what i meant. (pre-release, samething) And I have seen this person selling many used funkeys before. I just thought that maybe they could have gotten permission or something. :P

And I don't care for conditions either, but just the fact that its THESE specific funkeys changes my mind a bit. But thats not stopping me from bidding of course. ;)

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Oh and I was thinking, should I take the chance of not bidding atall if they say pre-sale? I don't think I should take any chances, but maybe I'll be spending a lot more money then I should be.

Jairo said...

i think they will be realesed in the future. (hopefully)