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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pics from San Diego ComicCon 09

I found these at and they aren't anything that we don't already know about but it's still fun to see what was going on over there in San Diego.

As always, you can click the pic to make it larger.
I'm not sure if anything was being sold, but it looks like it would have been fun to stare at these funkeys in complete awe. Upclose that is.
If you look close at the pictures, you'll notice that the lotas, sprocket, vlurp, waggs, and mulch outside of the case all look like they are the first prototypes. If you look at the other pictures at the site, you'll see rom, rewind, glub, and fallout are prototypes too.
Well that's all for now. Good luck finding paradox green and all of the other funkeys you don't have.
-keep it funkey


Onewa80 said...

Oh my gosh! I'm gonna post them as SOON as i can! (With a link to your blog, of course.)


Jairo said...

this is great! (to bad my funkeys stoped working :()