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Friday, July 24, 2009

Paradox Green in stores? *updated*

Well as many, many of you already know, the paradox green ub funkeys are finaly on ebay. The only two we haven't seen yet are mulch and ace. (If you're wondering, I've known that it was on ebay from day one. Its just that I'm way too lazy to post.) Here are some pics incase you haven't seen them.

Roco bought a VR tadd and VR rastro. My only question is: Are these U.B. Funkeys actually in our local stores? If you ask me, they aren't. These funkeys are from the same person and after tadd and rastro came down, they went back up. How is it that one person( no one else has paradox green on ebay, don't you think a non collecter but a seller would put them up too?) has found these funkeys, let alone very rares, is the only one selling them?
Then again there are claims that they are being spotted or bought by various people. But where is the proof? I may be gullible but I'm not just going to take someone's word for it. I believe that whoever is telling us that they have them is a faker. They may just want attention or who knows what. I don't know, for all I know maybe I'm wrong and they are being found. I won't point fingers at any body saying that they're lying, I just don't believe it yet. I also visited K mart, toys r us, walmart, target, and all around the mall this week and haven't gotten a sign.

Now you're probably thinking then, How did this person get them and is seling them on ebay? I think that he or she works for mattel, Radica, or even arkadium and was alowd to take them or they were a gift. The search for paradox green funkeys has NOT started yet so don't get your hopes up on finding one. For now, I might kick back and wait for someone to find one and put up an actual photo of them holding it or a photo of it on their ub hub of something. Phew that was a lot. No wonder I don't like posting. :P

- keep it funkey!

Update: Obsessed funkey just said that she went to k mart and found the 4 VRs. And guess where she lives... Chicago, Illinois. Which is where paradox green funkeys are only being reported to be found. She says (which I completely agree with) that the k marts in Chicago probably put the very rares only the very rares on the shelves before they were supposed to. So the search for paradox green has kind of started, if you live in Illinois atleast. (Sorry I called a lot of you liers, my mistake.) Good Luck for the rest of you.

Darn now I can't sit back and watch everyone else look because who elso lives on long island, NY here? Hmm... anybody? I don't think so, so now I have to look for my state myself. Ugh...


Anonymous said...

Ok. So I suppose when they come I will have to take loads of pictures of them. Very Well. I'll gladly help the cause.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Hehe, Roco I believe you because you're getting them from ebay where there are pics already. I just mean those who say they have one but refuse to put up a picture.

But it would be nice to see your new ones coming, out of its case and being played with. Take a few anyway!

Anonymous said...

The tracking number was sent. They should be here with in 2-5 days.

Fallen Soldier said...

Hey Frogboy, I am telling the truth, I'm the one selling Rastro, I have two Rastro's

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Now I can believe it. I said I'm sorry. And there is an anonomous on the speakeasy saying that they are selling it on ebay too. Was that you?

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

ill tear off people's hearts if they brag me!!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

*jaw drops* lying is wrong, neos, but there shouldn't be a death sentence.

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

i should be the onlt person who douts!!

Zoomix said...

I live in the Chicago area but the nearest Kmart is a ways maybe if we call first ..

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

I was going to start doing the same thing for the stores that are a longer drive away.