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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New funkeys!

I got my new very rare twinx, rare xener, and a surprise very rare boggle from funkey fever. Check them out. Too bad I already have a very rare boggle, but I'm still very happy. After all it's the thought that counts. :D

I don't really know how many funkeys I have now. I think it is 97 or 98. And if it is 98, then it will soon be 100 because my dad bought a very rare trixie and is bidding on a very rare bones at the moment. Oh before I go I just want to say what the little note on the boggle says, if you can't read it: "I hope you don't have him.... Enjoy! Free Gift!

-keep it funkey (ptep)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I tried clicking on your funkey family photo, hoping to see it in a bigger size, but there is an error in the URL - it should read:

Anonymous said...

I know that it doesn't work. Just try going to my second post on my blog and it will work.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Drew Knigh: I'm not going to post your comment, due to it having your entire address. Well I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the very rare boggle.
Infact my dad was going to put it on ebay to try and get big bucks.
But at this point I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Though I will save your address so maybe one day when you come home from school or look in the mail box it could be there. :D

-keep it funkey (rom)