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Saturday, March 7, 2009

More funkeys!

Check it out. I got a rare yang, very rare racer x, and a rare lucky. Alright, I know that I have a rare lucky, but if you read in one of my posts a while ago, I said that funkey fever told me that if I give them a normal lucky then they'll give me a very rare twinx and a rare xener. Unfortunately when I went back to target, the lucky I found the day before was gone. So now I'll send them a rare lucky for hopefully 3 funkeys.
Another thing I said was that I only want one form of the speed racers, but this was the first time I saw a very rare speed racer charcter and I couldn't resist. So here is the picture.
Oh before I go I wanted to say that the event that I was talking about Wednesday is starting tomorrow. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then look at the post "Happy Birthday to me!"

-keep it funkey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TOTALY COOL MAN! i usally say something long for fun, but i cant now because my computer has a virus! im secretly on! gotta go!!

p.s.havnt been on for 7 days!!!