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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Umm... Hi

Yeah I never really left. I just put up that last post , that probobly no one saw because I'm putting up this now, just like 10 minutes after. I just had to burn off some steam. And I never should have taken it out on my readers. The readers complete my blog, so if I say anything mean (like I did) then, poof, they're gone. So now I'll take down that post so no one sees it. Unless you see it on your blogger dashboard.
Oh and um, Onewa is not deleting his blog. Yeah! :D
Well I guess I should go now.

-keep it funkey (waggs)


frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Now I'm thinking that I might not delete my last post.

Anonymous said...

uh, gulp!
thats a speech!

(lauphing while shivering.)
well im glad to here that!