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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strange but sweet!

First I want to show a simple picture of what the update manager (update 4.8) did to the load screen.

Now I want to remind you all that after I got this update I lost my familiar and my moods. Well now for some reason I have 3 of each thing that I bought with my loot! Check it out.

I do have another flamin' mad mood but it just isn't shown.

I haven't posted in some time and am sorry for it. :( I got back into my lazy ways. I actually wanted to show this like 5 or 6 days ago. And I do have another post coming up. Welp thats all for now unless I think of something else.
-keep it funkey


Zoomix said...

I noticed that also with the update thing, but not with the loss, then the triple. I checked and that didn't happen to me, although I wish I could steal one of those familiars, never used the money to put into loot. (besides the free stuff)

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

If I could I would give you a familiar.