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Friday, June 19, 2009

Bones... AGAIN!

Look at this picture from or you could click here Bones is in the starter pack AGAIN! They have a lot of other photos showing up close pictures of the upcoming funkeys. I highly suggest you visit the site because they have more detailed pictures than the common ones we've seen.
This also shows the (I think)very rare maul that strangly says hidden realm and a (I think) rare rastro.
Oh I forgot to mention to give thanks to neos for putting some photos in a youtube video.
These are also some photos from the comic con that you might have found interesting before dream state but its still worth looking at. Like these two that cought my attention. and
-keep it funkey


Anonymous said...

No it isn't. I looked at a zoom in of that. That's not the Paradox Green Starter that's the normal starter. With Lotus and Deuce retiring they needed a new one. Were that pops in. The Paradox Green one will probably come with a single Necter I think and it will have leafs or green factory's as the design.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

I still think that it is the paradox green starter. It has the package of one and it looks like the new ub will have an orange circle with an f in it according to the ub funkey symbol at the top of the package it comes in.

But you could be right on that one. I guess we won't know for sure untill Matell FINALY releases paradox green.
I mean com'n they could atleast give the update.

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

your welcome frgoboy 96.

Jairo said...

those are probly the beta's. because the kinda sloppy.