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Friday, May 29, 2009

UB Funkeys Update!!!!

Its true just look! Click it to make it larger. I'll come back when I see whats new.

I'm back and the game just doesn't work anymore. The screen keeps going completely white. *sigh* I guess I won't know until someone else tells me.

I'm back again and unfortunately I had to uninstall ub funkeys again. Well atleast now I will see the update. Ok let me get my user name back and I'll talk all about. Oh before I go I will say that this is update 4.8 update manager.


Jairo said...

dude, that update's like a week old! lol but the update is that the loading is faster, and rumer is that it also has better chances of getting updates.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Oh...................Well I never heard any talk about it so thanks. Only problem is that I can't play anymore at all. This update sucks.

Should I just delete this post then?

Jairo said...

no, you shouldnt delete the post, some people probely dont know about it and the update doesnt suck, like i said!, the game loads faster! and the reason why it probliy turns white out of knowhere is because your computer probily isnt used to the update yet, same thing happened to me, but only lasted like 38 seconds.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

If only I knew that before I uninstalled. I am so unpatient.

Anonymous said...

Yea that updates doesn't make any visible changes. But I did notice what it does do. It creates a new file named FKUPDATE.