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Friday, May 15, 2009

Sorry 4 the wait

I've been pretty lazy for the past week. Wait... I haven't posted in a week; A WEEK! It must be a new record. I have a lot of new posts planned, so I will try to get them up either today or tomorrow. My hit counter hardly goes up anymore so I should make more posts.
For the mean time listen to some of my favorite songs. over there ->
I wish I could find a way to turn off the music when you first visit, because its kinda annoying every time I go to jario's blog or bones111's blog and hear the music. Sorry for the innconvenience! XD
Oh and I still have to get rid of these pandas!

-keep it funkey

1 comment:

Shel2 said...

I've made a new blog called "Funk Makes Ya' Drunk!" and I'll let everyone join. If you give me your email address I'll invite you.