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Saturday, May 30, 2009

New contest

Hi everyone. Well I was wondering what to do while we wait for paradox green to come out. I thought that I would try and guess the portal that would be paradox green. I think that it will be the one right past the markets in funkeystown/ the one right next to drift's gameroom. Of course it doesn't have to be a portal, but it does have only four funkeys that go there. (mulch and ace are special just like the chats) And hidden realm only had four funkeys that go there, but remember that they cut all contact to other funkeys during the war, so their an exception. I want all of you to guess in the comments and I'll give you... something special... not funk cash because I don't do that stuff but I'll think of something; only if you get the portal/area right.
I was planning on doing another event but this will take its place.


Jairo said...

well, i was wondering the same thing, i think it will be "paradox", or simply "paradox green", or maby even "crotos" or something. (crotos was on the top of my mind, just finished wathing incredibles on dvd again because my brother foreced me to! ahhhh!)
p.s. i got a very rare berger at wal*mart yesterday!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Um... the name is officially called paradox green. The contest is which broken portal will to you to paradox green.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

**take you to I mean** not to you to

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

And you are so lucky you got a VR berger.

Jairo said...

no wait, i messed up, i meant rare berger (dairy is a better name.)

Anonymous said...

I believe there may be some strange Time warp that sends somebody out of it and something. Then there is a Rocket Docked at the Bay and you can walk in it and fly threw the warp in the sky to go to Paradox Green. Or a portal gets zapped by lightning messing up directinos on it leading to a interdemensional warp to another demension. An oposite of theres.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said... that will happen.