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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two new members in the funkey family!

As you see from the title and image I got 2 new funkeys! I got yang and rare singe. I already got both there trophies! Anyone who wants to play me just add Vlurp111 to your buddy list and ask! The flash was bright but you get the image. I got these two at target with my gift card. I also saw a normal singe, very rare funkey packs, funkey display cases, a VR vlurp, and scratch speakers. But I couldn't get it all and besides I already got the VR vlurp, VR ptep, and VR drift.


Anonymous said...

Hi! im montorola! aka: funkbunny333. I got all the hr funkeys a while ago and i was wondering if you would like to play?

Anonymous said...

I played you before I remember! If you saw me keep on ducking, then that was because my game kept on freezing up.