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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Webley Outpost

At long last my brother has finished the webley hut that he's been working on little by little for about a month. He actually started this before the Dr.Tinker goggles. This will most likely be the last project that he makes, unless he gets bored and whips up something real fast. But other than that this is where it ends. Anyway time for the pics! :D

As you can see, the roof comes off, which is pretty neat. But the thing thats really cool is that my brother installed the shop door to open and close, as you can see in the pics. We couldn't fit the actuall game portal, but the shop is good enough for me. :P
-keep it funkey


Jairo said...

thats, thats pretty cool!

Fallen Soldier said...

Wow another great creation.

Alec said...

Wow! That is really cool! What did he use to make that?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

He used styrophome that he got for like 2 bucks. :P Oh yeah and popsickle sticks and thin wooden planks that were like another 7 bucks.

Squiddy said...

OMG!!! Thats awesome!!!!! Tell him I saids that!:)

Zoomix said...

He should bring his ideas to Mattel and such, maybe get a job, make some things for mass production and make big bucks at same time :)

bones111 said...

Wow!Cool!Your forget about me?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

No, I didn't forget about you.

Knidrew said...

Wow! Again! Can you ask him to make more funkey game rooms? And sell them on ebay?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

There are 2 problems with that. First thing is that they would take a very long time to make. Secondly we would be sued. Ub Funkeys in't my product, I would need Mattel and/or Radica's permission to sell them. Plus they would want like most of the money, so I wouldn't make any money cosidering I would have to buy all of the materials to make.

Knidrew said...

Okay, I understand, but if you're willing can you just have him think about what materials to make them, then I'll buy them.
Request 1: Duece Diner

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Do you mean you want him to make one for you? Like I said in the post, we're done making funkey projects.
But if you mean what materials you need to make it yourself, I really don't know what to say. He made it as he went along. What ever he found at the store that looked like it would work, he bought.

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steven said...

frogboy you still havent given me the changes you wanted if you even remember

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Oh yeah......I'm sorry I never got back to you. But if you want the blog back, go right ahead. I can't keep up with both.

Steven said...

i really don't want the blog so if you dont want it im deleting it

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Hmm.....I got a better idea. Maybe I should make a give-away and see what happens with that. Maybe someone would want it.