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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dr. Tinker Goggles!

Well my brother has done it again. He made yet another funkey accessory! This time Dr. Tinker goggles. Anyway here are the pics.

This was more of a miny project because my brother did this out of scrap cardboard. I'll show a pic of me wearing them later, I just wanted to show what pics I have right now. It was done fast so the paint on them is a little sloppy. But from far away you can't tell! :P
-keep it funkey


Jairo said...

that looks great!

Jairo said...

is your brother some sort of artist? because all these look great!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Yeah, we are both artists. :) He just happens to be the one who finds time to make all of these things.

Onewa80 said...

Wow dude, you are on fire! Hey, you know what you need to do? Make the prototype jetpack and the blustry turbine, but make them on stands like in your crib! Oh and Roco banned me from the chat.... "accedently".... so you won't see me there. "Whoops."


frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

I read that on rebs site. I just don't know how you ban someone accidently. So if you won't be there, where can I find you?

BTW to you want me to take the real items and make stands for them. Or do you mean I should make like a clay version with stands.....Hey thats not a bad idea. Maybe I could make my own items to snap onto the funkeys neck. :P

Steven said...

dude u still havent told me bout fixing da blog