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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Which to Choose? You Chose!

I have got to get a new blogger profile. And I got a very rare tank yesterday so I'm using him. I took 3 pictures (and a bonus 4) of tank with my brother's stuffed manta and don't know which is best. You, the readers of my blog, will chose my new blogger profile. Chose from one of the pictures below and comment your choice. I will make a new #2 later because this one came out way too bright so don't exclude it right away because the flash was too close. Have Fun!



4. (bonus)


frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

I know that 3 and 4 look alike. But are a little different and I just decided to put up both.

Zoomix said...


Anonymous said...

I like number 4

Onewa80 said...

Number #1.


Carabu said...
