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Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well my very rare bones came in the mail yesterday, so now I just need to wait till I get one more different funkey to clean up my mistake from last time. Then once I REALLY reach 100 I'll make my family photo.


Zoomix said...

Nice be careful with that VR Bones they get marked up really easy, mine has all sorts of colored marks! I am around the same amount, somewhere above 90, I will have to count.. GL finding #100!

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

My dad just bought a bunch of jewlery cases and the funkeys fit right in! So now bones has a nice home.
We started buying these cases when our R bomle got a big orange gash on it's forehead! XD

-keep it funkey

Zoomix said...

Really? where did you find them? Most of my funkeys are getting beat up! I have been looking for a Funkey storage thing for a while

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

My dad bought 5 of them off ebay for $10 each. It's not too bad, but $50 towards having a place to store funkeys when it could have been used to buy more gets costly. Here's the link to the cases:

Oh and today my dad won a very rare scratch for $2! So he's my
100th when it comes.

jairo m. said...

who! $50 bucks?!?!
thats um ah,... thats kinda' a rippoff, dont you think?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

It kinda is, but they aren't meant for ub funkeys, they are jewlery cases. Pretty good and good lookin' cases too.

keep it funkey (... I have to make a new one)