Well I bought the rest of the wendys toys off of ebay 2 days ago and they already came! So of course I went exploring on the 2 disks. They are very similar, as Zommix said on his blog
http://ubfunkeyzmania.blogspot.com/ I wasn't going to take any pictures because Zoomix made a big post on all the toys, but I did find something unique when I downloaded the ub funkeys demo. It looks just like the game (not like the demo on
http://www.ubfunkeys.com/). The only differences are that there is no paradox green portal, no hidden realm ship, no royalton racing complex, no angus lab, and no quest funkeys. And also your user name is U.B. Funkeys. Anyway my pics are showing that when you walk onto a portal as UB it tells you a little bit about the place. They're special cut sences. :)
By the way, I took the paradox green personality test. It turns out I'm most like maul. Not what I was hoping for but maul is cool. (I was hoping for tadd of course.) Anyway that's all for the wendys toys.
-keep it funkey